Acid Reflux Diet - Food To Avoid to Control Acid Reflux

By: Sharon Gillson
Source info:

Certain foods can aggravate your heartburn symptoms, and when planning your acid reflux diet, it's best to limit or avoid completely those foods and drinks that result in acid reflux. There are some foods that should be avoided entirely, as they are usually responsible for a higher occurrence of heartburn.

The foods listed in the Table below are the most common foods that can produce heartburn.

For a listing of foods that usually cause little or no heartburn problem, please check out the table for foods that have Little Potential to Cause Heartburn. For a listing of foods that 

you may be able to enjoy occasionally, please check out the table for foods that can beConsumed With Discretion.

This is by no means a complete list, and in your personal situation, you may either find you can eat the foods from the "Avoid" group with no problem or have problems with foods not listed. It is a good idea to keep a Food Diary. For approximately two weeks, write down what you eat, when you eat and any symptoms you may experience. This will help you and your doctor plan your diet and decide on any change in eating habits you may need. 

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Foods To Avoid On The Acid Reflux Diet

Food GroupFoods To Avoid
Fruit• Orange juice
• Lemon
• Lemonade
• Grapefruit juice
• Cranberry juice
• Tomato
Vegetables• French fries
• Onion, raw
Meat• Ground beef, chuck
• Marbled sirloin
• Chicken nuggets
• Buffalo wings
Dairy• Sour cream
• Milk shake
• Ice cream
• Cottage cheese, regular
Grains• Macaroni and cheese
• Spaghetti with sauce
Beverages• Liquor
• Wine
• Coffee, decaffeinated or regular
• Tea, decaffeinated or regular
Fats / Oils• Salad dressing, creamy
• Salad dressing, oil & vinegar
Sweets / Desserts• Butter cookie, high-fat
• Brownie
• Chocolate
• Doughnut
• Corn chips
• Potato chips, regular

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