How to Make Homemade Shampoo and Conditioners

By Natalie Hernandez, eHow Member

Although you can go into the store and buy shampoo for any hair need, it can be fun to make your own at home. Maye you have tried all the different shampoos in the stores and you are just not satisfied and want to create you own. No matter what the reason for wanting to make your own shampoo is, it can be a fun and rewarding experience.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Things You'll Need:

  • Different ingredients for each recipe
  1. Step 1

    There are a few things to keep in mind when homemaking your shampoo. The shampoo will not lather up as much as the commercial ones because you are not adding any sudsing agents as they do. It will also not be as thick as some commercial varieties, but rest assured that it will clean just as well.

    Here is a recipe for you to make a homemade herbal shampoo...

  2. Step 2

    *Rosemary/Sage Herbal Shampoo*

    4 oz of castile soap (there are different scents available, choose the one you want),

    1/2 ounce of rosemary (stimulates the hair follicles and has been known to prevent premature balding),

    1/2 ounce sage (it keeps things from spoiling and also acts as an antioxidant),

    1/2 ounce nettles (contains nutrients that help the hair grow and is a blood stimulator),
    Few drops of Lavender oil (helps to control itchy scalp

  3. Step 3

    Mix the herbs in a jar and seal it tightly, including the lavender.
    Boil 2 cups of water.
    Add 3 tablespoons of the herbs into the water and then remove from heat.
    Allow it to sit for about 30-45 minutes.
    Strain the mixture into a clean bowl.
    Next add about 2 ounces of the mixture into a a clean 8 ounce plastic bottle (you can use an old shampoo bottle)
    Add in the castile soap.
    Close the bottle and shake well.

  4. Step 4

    It is now all ready for to to enjoy. You can do research about different herbs and add the ones that you like to the above recipe. Make it your own by adding any herbs and scents that you like. Once you get the basic concept down it can be altered according to your liking. It is very inexpensive to make your own shampoos at home as well as fun.

  5. Step 5

    *Chamomile Shampoo*

    1 tablespoon soap flakes,
    1 teaspoon borax,
    1 ounce powdered chamomile flowers,
    1 pint or hot water with 3 tablespoons vinegar (white),

    Mix the ingredients together in a bowl and then place into an 8 ounce bottle (like an old shampoo bottle)
    Shake well.
    All ready to go. Chamomile will lighten your hair as well so it makes for a great use if that is what you intend to do.

  6. Step 6

    Creating your own shampoos at home can give you a fun opportunity to play around with ingredients and who knows what may come of it. If it works great, tell your family and perhaps they would want you to create it for them as well. It can be fun customizing shampoos for friends and family as well as yourself.

  7. Step 7

    * Deep Conditioner*

    2 cups of real mayonnaise,
    1/2 of a ripe avocado

    Mix together in a bowl until smooth and not to lumpy.
    Evenly smooth it into your hair from the ends to the roots.
    You can then place a shower cap over your head or even just place plastic wrap around it.
    Leave it in for around 20 to 25 minutes to deep condition it well.
    Then rinse it out in the shower.
    If you have really long hair you may need to double up the recipe.

  8. Step 8

    * Egg Deep Conditioning Treatment *

    1 tablespoon baby oil,
    2 egg yolks,
    1 cup of water

    Beat the eggs yolks together well until frothy.
    Next mix in the other ingredients and mix well.
    In the shower massage it well into your scalp and leave on for five minutes.
    Rinse it well.

  9. Step 9

    You can also use just plain old mayonnaise as a deep conditioner. Just smooth it through your hair, and leave it on for about 20 minutes with a shower cap or plastic wrap, and then rinse it out well.

    Keep in mind again that homemade shampoos will not lather up as much as the commercial ones, but they clean just as well. Some even clean better and do not leave residue build up. The conditioning treatments may even work better then the commercial ones!

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